Are cashews really the culprit?!
What image comes to your mind when you hear “cashews”? Kaju katli , cashews garnished over pulao , cashews fried in ghee over piping hot Ven Pongal , and probably the word high-fat and/or cholesterol also came in to destroy the pleasure of visualizing eating a lip- smacking kaju katli . Cashew has been associated with the terms “fattening”, “cholesterol- increasing” “high- calorie” etc. Ever thought why cashews got a bad reputation despite all the nuts being high in fat content? Isn’t that unfair! Let’s do a deep dive to understand how true it is… All plant- based foods have zero cholesterol, so they are not going to contribute to your cholesterol intake (I can sense a sigh of relief!). Yes, cashews are rich in fat (45 g/100 g), especially saturated fats which is linked with increase in LDL cholesterol (the villain). However, research shows that stearic acid which constitutes one- third of saturated fat in cashew has a neutral effect on blood lipids. Isn’t that sounding like hone...